Callum Wilson's Sheet Music

Scherzo and Trio

  Scherzo and Trio  
1.50 USD
PDF, 324.2 Кб (13 стр.)


КомпозиторThe Wilson
ИздательThe Wilson
Жанр Классика / Пьеса
Инструменты Скрипка, Виолончель, Контрабас, Треугольник, Ксилофон, Бубен, Темпл-блок
Тип нотПартитура
Время звучания 3'25"
Описание There is quite a story behind the melody of the scherzo. It was initially a song that was sung by me and a group of friends about a person in the group (the lyrics shall not be mentioned here...). Eventually, more and more features came into this song, including the tune played by the double bass in the score, and we would play this song a lot of the time for fun. The school music department then became slightly sick of this song and banned us from playing it. I then decided to modify a few rhythms and the instrumentation and used it as one of my Advanced Higher compositions. It is written for a slightly modified string quartet, xylophone and percussion and has a very catchy tune, viewer discretion advised...
Дата публикации 13 апр 2013


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